Monday 1 April 2013

: hAtYai, tHaILaNd :

Floating Market in Hat Yai Thailand.

This very interesting attraction is called Khong Hee Floating Market or Klonghae Floating Market and is one of the most popular tourist destination in this region. Anyone who is heading to Hat Yai will most likely pay a visit to this unique floating market. Just about all kinds of local Thai food, snacks and drinks are sold by local Thai hawkers on little boats that dock by the river here. The beauty about this market is that these floating hawkers line up side by and number to about 100 boats at any one time. Visit at about 6pm and you can witness these boats that paddle in to set up their floating shop and once they finish selling their items, the simply row away with the days takings.

On arrival at the Floating Market here in Hat Yai, the first thing that greeted was a mobile karoke station where anyone could sing here for a price 10 Baht. This was most definitely a hit with the locals here as the music kept going throughout my visit here.

mobile karaoke at the floating Market in Hatyai

Bamboo drinks

One Unique feature here was taht some of the boat hawkers sold dirnks in custom made bamboo cups or porcelain containers. I could not help but order one from one of the beautiful ladies here. A long bamboo about 12 inches long was cleaned and had a rope secured at the top for you to hold. The choice pf orange or lemon was served inside and you could carry it around the floating market.