Sunday 31 March 2013

: tHrEe interesting places in PARIS :

Eiffil Tower

Height : 324 m
Contruction started : January 28 1887
floors: 3

The Eiffil Tower is a puddleiron lattice tower located on the champde Mars in Paris. Built in 1889 as the entrance arch to the 1889 World'd Fair, it has become both a global cultural icon of France and one of the most recognizable structures in the world. The towers is the tallest building in Paris and the most-visited paid monument in the world:millions of people ascend it every year. It is named after the engineer Gustava Eiffel, whose company designed and built the tower.

sources : Tower


The bastille was a fortress in Paris, known formally as the Bastille Saint-Antoine. It played an important role in the internal conflicts of france and for most of its history was used as a state prison by the kings of France. It was stormed on 14 July 1789 during the French Revolution, becoming an important symbol for the French Republican movement, and was later completely demolished and built over by the place de la Bastille, with the few remaining relics being placed on the nearby boulevard Henri IV.

L'Arc de Triomphe

The  Arc de Triomphe is one of the most famous monuments in Paris. It stands in the centre of the Place Charled de Gaulle, at the western end of the Champs-Elysees. There is a smaller arch, the Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel, which stands west of the Lourve. The Arc de Triomphe honours those who fought and died for France in the Frencg Revolutionary and the Napoleonic Wars, with the names of all French victories and generals inscribed on its inner and outer surfaces. Beneath its vault lies the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier from World War I.

: Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia :

Terengganu holds the charms and splendour from others state in Malaysia. Despite rapid development and modernisation, it is as if time has stood still as the state retains all the rustic and idylilic charms so different from others tourist destinations.

The most popular places in Kuala Terengganu must visit is :

Cyrstal Mosque : 

The Crystal Mosque of Terengganu is thr icon of Taman Tamadun Islam and the Kuala Terengganu Waterfront Heritage City. It is considered unique as it is the first and only mosque built from steel and glass, hence th resonating crystal-like image.

Monument Park:

Experince the journey of the glories of Islamic civilization from all over the world, in one world class theme park. relieve history as you visit 22 timeless monuments of Islam, set in the beautiful natural setting of the city of Kuala Terengganu.

Be educated about Islamic arts, history and culture with our multimedia touch screen applications at the galleries, video screening at the interactive monuments and amphitheater shows. Experience a guided journey on the trams and buggies, or embark on your own adventure on foot or rented bicycle. This park is also a playing ground for children to embark on various kiddy rides and interactive games.

This one stop edutainment park, blended with the best Islamic architecture from round the world, offers exquisite services for your family's relaxation and entertainment.

: pERtH, :

A light on the visit to the famous palces with ca rental in Perth City Autralia.

Perth Australia is the capital of Perth Western Australia. Perth is said to have the highest number of sunny days out of a given year of any of Australia's major cities. with all those sunny days, a stay at one of the Perth hotels becomes a must to enjoy all the city has to offer. In the early 1800s,Australian colonies experienced a labor shortage. The cit of Perth Australia as founded along the banks of the Swan River officially in 1829, as settlers arrived to fill the labor shortage. A large number of Perth's major buildings were built by convicts and other settlers and the British government eventually agreed to found the colony as the first fre colony in the new state.

Another popular Perth attraction is the Perth Zoo. Touted as one of the most diverse zoos in the Southerns Hemisphere, the Perth Zoo almost always has something new to see. The zoo is open year round, and entrance fees vary depending on the day and time of year. Once the entrance fee has been paid, however, the zoo offers free BBQ throughout, in addition to shops and cafes with food for purchase. This Perth attraction is an excellent way to spend a day without spending a lot of money.

Perth City is the best to explored such as shopping selection, eating choices, entertainment options and historical places and the best part is sport activities.

Sources :

: Let know about China :

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels are two of the fathers of communist theory. This statue of the two men is located in a park in Shanghai, China. 

This picture indicates the penetration into china of one Western institution, Starbucks Coffee. This picture was taken in Cheng Huang Mia, Shanghai, China.

The Great Wall is located in northern China and was built and rebuilt by the Chinese from approximately the fifth century BCE to approximately 1600 Ce to defend the northern borders of China from invaders.

During the 18th century the Chinese government constructed a series of over ten western style palaces and yards within the large complex of Yuangmingyuan in Beijing. This area was designed by F.Giuseppe Castiglione, an Italian missionary, and p.Michael Benoist from France and constructed by Chinese artisans under their supervision. The Yuangmingyuan complex was destroyed by Anglo-French forces in 1860.

A man is deep in prayer at a local Buddhist Monastery in Tianjin, China.

Tiananman Gate is located next to Tiananman Square in the centre of beijing, China. From this gate Chairman Mao declared victory in the Chinese Revolution 1949.

Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest, Temple of heaven, Beijing, China. The Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest is located within the temple of heaven in Beijing, China. The Temple of Heaven was originall built in the 15th century. The Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest is where the Chinese emperors would pray for good harvests in the country. 

that's all about China. thank you.  

sources and more information:

: SulTan OmaR ALi SaiFuDdiN MoSqUe :

Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin MOsque is a royal Islamic mosque located in Bandar Seri Begawan, the capital of the Sultanate of Brunei. The mosque considered one of the most beautiful mosques in the Asia pacific and a major landmark and tourist attraction of Brunei.

Named after Omar Ali Saifuddin III, the 28th Sultan Brunei, the mosque as a symbol of the islamic faith in Brunei dominates the skyline of Bandar Seri Begawan. The bulidings was completed in 1985 and is an example of modern Islamic architecture.

The mosque unites Mughal architecture and Italian styles. The plans were done by Booty and Edwards Chartered Architects according to designs by the Italian architect Cavaliere RudolfoNolli, who had already for decades been working at the gulf of Siam.

The mosque is built in an artificial lagoon on the banks of the Brunei River at Kampong Ayer, the 'village in the water'. It has marble minarets and golden domes with courtyards and lush gardens full of fountains. The mosque is surrounded by a large number of trees and floral gardens which in Islam symbolizes heaven. A bridge reaches across the lagoon to Kmapung Ayer in themiddle of the river. Another marble bridge leads to a structure in the lagoon meant as a replica of a 16th Century Sultan Bolkiah Mahligai barge. It was built to commemorate in 1967 and used to stage Quran reading competitions.

The mosque's most recognizable feature, the main dome, is covered in pure gold. The mosque stands 52 m and can beseen from virtually anywhere in Bandar Seri Begawan. The main minaret is the mosques tallest feature. In a unique way it mixes Renaissance and Italian architectural style. The minaret has an elevator to the top, where one can enjoy a panoramic view of the city.

The interior of the mosque is for prayer only. it has magnificent stained glass windows, aches, semi-domes and marble columns. Nearly all the material used for the building has been imported from abroad.: the marble from Italy, the granite from Shanghai, the crystal chandeliers from England and the carpets Saudi Arabia.

: ho chi minh , vietnam :

Ho Chi Minh City still known as saigon to its seven million or so inhabitants, is Vietnam's center of commerce and the country's biggest city by far, though not its administrative capital-an honour that rests with Hanoi. Fueled by the sweeping economic changes wrought by doi moi in 1986, this effervescent city, perched on the west bank of the Saigon River, is in the throes of a programme of re-invention shaking it to its French-built foundations. 

Apart from historical attracttions, Ho Chi Minh City offer also French colonial architecture to be admired and fascinating religious sites to be explored. if you want modern entertainment, Ho Chi Minh offers two popular water parks, the more famous of which Dam Sen Park with amazing water slides, enjoyable health care services, and stuffed giant animals.

The cultural scene of Ho Chi Minh City with concert hall, theaters and cinemas also pleases many visitors, as do the good possibilities for shopping in Ho Chi Minh. The city hosts the Saigon Zoo and botanical gardens as well. For those waiting to enjoy outdoor sports in Ho Chi MInh City, swimming in Saigon River is possible, and you can also make a day trip to one of the many small beach resorts located near Ho Chi Minh City. For relaxing, you could also try the spas in Ho Chi Minh City or play a round in the courses for golf in Ho Chi Minh City.

sources :

Wednesday 27 March 2013

: tHe ChiLLoN cAstle, sWitZeRlAnD :

'The Chillon Castle'

Chillon Castle is one of the most visited historical building in Switzerland. Located on the shores of Lake Geneva, the castle was very beautiful. Is one of the most famous castle in Switzerland. The uniqueness of Chillon Castle, stood at the water's edge. Rich structured design and location on the lake in front of the majestic mountain backdrop, the monument has become one of the templates 18 Hottest Century beautiful images in the western part Switzerland.

Historically, the Chillon castle built in the 11th century and completed in the 13th century. And  in the 19th century, the castle has also become a source of inspiration for writers like Victor Hugo and Alexandre Dumas. In the castle, you can also see paintings of the 14th century that put on the wall. Also in this fort is famous for its cellar. It was carved out of stone that supports the foundation of the fort. So it is not surprising that this place is always crowded with tourists, every year more than 300,000 tourists who come to see and enjoy the beautiful Chillon Castle was fantastic. 

sumber :

~cOtTon cAstLe, TurKi ~ (',)

Cotton Castle Turki

The strange and weirdly beautiful terraced pools of Pamukkle have been appreciated for over two millennia and yet still remain a little known wonder of the world. Thousands of years ago earthquakes, which are common in Turkey, created fractures that allowed powerful hot springs to bring water rich in calcium carbonate to the surface.

As the water evaporated the chalky material condesed and formed layer-upon-layer of Travertine and thus slowly built up the walls over time in the same way that a stalactite forms in a cave. Apparently Pammakale means Castle of Cotton but the Greco-Romans built a town above it called Heirapolis-meaning 'Holy City' or 'Sacred City'. They too recognised it as a rare and important place attributing healing powers to the milky-white waters.

Bentuk muka bumi Pamukkale yang unik.

Taman Kapas, Turki

: cAsAbLaNcA , mOr0cCo : (",)

Casablanca is situated on the Atlantic Coast, more or less halfway between the Mediterranean Sea to the north and the barrier of the High Atlas Mountains to the south. It is the country's economic capital and is the first Moroccan town seen by travelers on a direct transatlantic flight. At first glance, the scene is more or less familiar-modern airport, big buildings, public transport, traffic police, businessmen with portable phones clamped to their ears on a smaller scale than in the U,S but familiar sights all the same. This is an illusion. Casablanca is not a miniature and rather poor copy of an American city but a successful blend of Moroccan and Western civilizations, as the visitor will soon find out.

okay, more image for CASABLANCA. .

 Casablanca, theme park.

Casablanca Morocco City.

Hassan II mosque

so beautiful right ??

: Oh !! LONDON !!


The Tower of London is one of the world's most famous fortresses and has seen service as royal palace, prison, armory and even a zoo. The ancient stones reverberate with dark secrets, priceless jewels glint in fortified vaults and pampered ravens strut the grounds.

Constructed over 900 years ago by William the Conqueror, the Tower of London is steeped in rich history. This fortress was expanded by many medieval kings and is a grand structure used by Royals through  the years as refuge and power-base.

The Tower is still home to her majesty's Crown Jewels, on display for visitors to see and the infamous Bee feathers tasked with the job of guarding them as well as showing  visitors some of the attraction highlights.

The White Tower is the huge and beautiful stone building in the middle of the sight. Currently it hosts the exhibition of Tudor, Stuart, Hanoverian and Windsor arms and  Armour "Fit for e King". This Vast collection begins by exploring Armour created for both the battle and sports  fields with an unmissable chance to see Henry VIIIl's and Charles 1' s spectacular amour.

Situated in central London just a stones throw from the River Thames, the Tower of London is the one of the city's premier attractions. With so much on offer it's no wonder it's popular with visitors.

Visit the Tower of London with a London Pass and benefit from :

  • Free Tower of London Tickets normal cost $19.50
  • Fast track entry to avoid the long lines.
  • 15% discount or $30 for 2 adult and children meals plus a drink at the Armories Cafe.

sumber :

Tuesday 26 March 2013

: iTs All aBouT mE :

